Vizard-Meteo Spacecraft

Satellite name Vizard-Meteo (RS38S, Space-PI, Space π, Wizard)
Spacecraft type CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Mass in kg 2.98 kg
Status Operational (Assumed to be operational because the object ID is known)
Launched 2023-06-27
NORAD ID 57189
Deployer 12U Deployer [Aerospace Capital]
Launcher Sojuz
Organisation NIS
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Nation Russia
Partners Sputnix, FASIE, VIZARD

Receive data and analyze it to study environmental and weather phenomena in the waters of the Northern Polar Region.


The meteorological satellite, created on the basis of the SPUTNIX platform as part of the Space-π project supported by FASIE.

Monitoring the formation of dangerous meteorological phenomena in the atmosphere and forecasting the development of the meteorological situation.

Medium resolution RGB remote sensing camera with 50 m/pixel pixel projection, low resolution RGB remote sensing camera with 250 m/pixel pixel projection.

Students together with specialists from NIS LLC and VIZARD LLC will receive data and analyze it to study environmental and weather phenomena in the waters of the Northern Polar Region.

The Vizard-meteo CubeSat 3U device belongs to NIS LLC, Moscow. 

The nanosatellite was created on the basis of the OrbiCraft-Pro platform of the SPUTNIX company. Students of school No. 1522 named after V. I. Churkin in Moscow take part in the project. Together with specialists from NIS LLC and VIZARD LLC, they will receive space data and analyze them for environmental and weather phenomena in the waters of the Northern Polar Region.

The device has two cameras for remote sensing of the Earth. They will make it possible to obtain images for monitoring oil and oil product spills in the Arctic zone, as well as to predict the development of the situation on the Northern Sea Route, to identify the formation of dangerous meteorological phenomena.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3]
COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - Sputnix
On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-05-25

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Created by Erik Kulu


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