Satellite KASHIWA
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status not launched, expected in 2024
Launcher not launched
Organisation Chiba Institute of Technology
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Country Japan

Educational mission with cameras and amateur radio payloads.

  1. APRS - KASHIWA has the APRS function of 145.825MHz. When the satellite receives an APRS query from a ground amateur station, it returns an ACK signal. The satellite logs the call sign and reception time of the received query from an amateur station, and log data is transmitted from the satellite to the ground station by UHF downlink. The log downlinked to the ground station will be published on the website. The APRS operation period will be from one week after orbit insertion until deorbit, almost one and half year. APRS operation of KASHIWA will cover all continent every month.
  2. MoG (Music of Geomagnetic) - KASHIWA transmits VHF analog FM signal containing the call sign as audio tone Morse code at first and then the analog audio sound generated from geomagnetic data to amateurs. Geomagnetic field observation data will also be transmitted in the data by UHF transceiver.
  3. Camera Missions - KASHIWA has two cameras onboard. They will take ISS (International Station), Ocean, and Land day and night. FOV of two cameras is 194 degrees, it shows wide view in space. Image data from the two types of cameras will be stored in flash memory. The image data will be divided and transmitted to the ground station by UHF downlink, then received and restored at the ground station. Proposing a telemetry downlink on UHF using 4k8 GMSK. Planning a deployment from the ISS in October 2023. 
Sources [1]

Last modified: 2023-12-15

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