Unicorn-2 Satellites

Satellite name Unicorn-2
Form factor PocketQube
Units or mass PocketQube 2p
Organization Alba Orbital
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Headquarters UK
Manufacturer AIVT by Alba Orbital
Operator Alba Orbital

Earth Observation constellation to provide near-real time satellite imagery.

Sources [1] [2] [3]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
COTS subsystems
  • PLATFORM - Alba Orbital

Related Spacecraft

Name Status Launcher Launch Orbit
Unicorn-2A No signal? (Object not identified in Space-Track as of 2022-12-19 and communications not confirmed on official social media) Falcon 9, (Transporter-3), (Alba Cluster 3) 2022-01-13 520 km, 97.5 deg
Unicorn-2D Reentry 2023-04-13. Was operational? (Last post on Twitter from 2022-03-29 last checked on 2022-05-26) Falcon 9, (Transporter-3), (Alba Cluster 3) 2022-01-13 520 km, 97.5 deg
Unicorn-2E No signal? (Object not identified in Space-Track as of 2022-12-19 and communications not confirmed on official social media) Falcon 9, (Transporter-3), (Alba Cluster 3) 2022-01-13 520 km, 97.5 deg
Unicorn-2F Operational? (Official post on Twitter, but object not yet identified as of 2022-07-23) Electron, (Alba Cluster X) 2022-05-02 525 km, 97.5 deg
Unicorn-2G Deployment failure (Launcher Orbiter SN1 was not able to generate power and spacecraft were not deployed) Falcon 9, (Transporter-6), (Launcher Orbiter) 2023-01-03 515 km, 97.5 deg
Unicorn-2H Deployment failure (Launcher Orbiter SN1 was not able to generate power and spacecraft were not deployed) Falcon 9, (Transporter-6), (Launcher Orbiter) 2023-01-03 515 km, 97.5 deg
Unicorn-2I No signal? (No confirmation found and object not identified as of 2023-12-21) Falcon 9, (Transporter-8), (D-Orbit ION), (Alba Cluster) 2023-06-12 520 km, 97.5 deg
Unicorn-2J Operational (Tweet by Tom Walkinshaw on 2023-12-02) Falcon 9, (Transporter-9), (D-Orbit ION), (Alba Cluster) 2023-11-11 520 km, 97.5 deg
Unicorn-2K Operational (Tweet by Tom Walkinshaw on 2023-11-30) Falcon 9, (Transporter-9), (D-Orbit ION), (Alba Cluster) 2023-11-11 520 km, 97.5 deg
Unicorn-2L Operational? Falcon 9, (425 Project), (D-Orbit ION), (Alba Cluster) 2023-12-01 560 km, 97.6 deg
Unicorn-2M Operational? Falcon 9, (425 Project), (D-Orbit ION), (Alba Cluster) 2023-12-01 560 km, 97.6 deg
Unicorn-2N Operational (Confirmation on Twitter on 2023-12-22) Falcon 9, (425 Project), (D-Orbit ION), (Alba Cluster) 2023-12-01 560 km, 97.6 deg
Unicorn-2 not launched not launched 2024-12-31 not launched
Unicorn-2 not launched not launched 2024-12-31 not launched
Unicorn-2 not launched not launched 2024-12-31 not launched
Unicorn-2 not launched not launched 2024-12-31 not launched
Unicorn-2 not launched not launched 2024-12-31 not launched
Unicorn-2 not launched not launched 2025-12-31 not launched
Unicorn-2 not launched not launched 2025-12-31 not launched

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu

Email: erik.kulu@nanosats.eu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erikkulu

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