NanoMagSat Satellites

Name NanoMagSat
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 16U
Organization Open Cosmos
Institution Company
Entity type Commercial
Headquarters UK
Manufacturer AIVT by Open Cosmos
Operator Open Cosmos
Partners Université Paris Cité, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, CNRS, CEA-LETI

Three identical 16U nanosatellites, using two inclined (~ 60°) and one polar orbit, for investigating the Earth’s magnetic field and ionospheric environment. 


NanoMagSat is a mission concept to deploy and operate a new Low-Earth orbiting constellation concept of three identical 16U nanosatellites, using two inclined (~ 60°) and one polar orbit, for investigating the Earth’s magnetic field and ionospheric environment.

The constellation is designed to provide fast coverage of all local times (LT) at all latitudes, with special emphasis within ± 60°. NanoMagSat measurements will improve identification and investigation of fast planetary magnetic signals as well as the ionospheric environment, all of which requires such fast LT/geographic coverage to disentangle signals that are sensitive to the local time (Sun position).

Each satellite will carry a payload suite combining: an absolute scalar and self-calibrated vector magnetometer collocated with two star trackers on an optical bench at the tip of a deployable boom ; a High Frequency Magnetometer at mid-boom; a multi-needle Langmuir probe and two GNSS receivers for precise orbit determination, TEC recovery and ionospheric radio occultation. The key challenges of the mission are the launch availability, the miniaturisation of the magnetometers and the magnetic cleanliness of the satellite. The latter drives the need for a 3m deployable boom and specific development of some of the platform subsystems and related accommodation.

Sources [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Photo sources [1] [2] [3]
Keywords Deployable boom

Related Spacecraft

Name Status Launcher Date Orbit
NanoMagSat A not launched not launched 2027-12-31 not launched
NanoMagSat B not launched not launched 2027-12-31 not launched
NanoMagSat C not launched not launched 2027-12-31 not launched

Last modified: 2024-05-29

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Created by Erik Kulu


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