LASARSat Spacecraft

Spacecraft name LASARSat (LAZARSat)
Type CubeSat
Units or mass 1U
Status Operational (Post on LinkedIn after launch)
Launched 2024-12-21
Deployer EXOpod Nova 12U/16U [Exolaunch]
Launcher Falcon 9 (Bandwagon-2)
Organization Spacemanic
Institution Company
Entity Commercial
Headquarters Czechia
Manufacturer AIVT by Spacemanic
Operator Spacemanic

Test laser technology designed to repair malfunctioning satellites and mitigate the growing threat of space debris.


Test laser technology designed to repair malfunctioning satellites and mitigate the growing threat of space debris.

By vaporizing a small portion of the debris’ surface, the laser creates a pocket of gas that effectively works as a miniature thruster and changes its trajectory. If successful, this approach could revolutionize how we manage space debris, offering a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution to a problem that has been a looming threat for several decades now.

LASARsat is a 1U CubeSat designed and constructed by Spacemanic. Despite its compact size, it is packed with advanced scientific instruments dedicated to conducting critical experiments. Among these are photodiodes, which will measure how much laser energy reaches the satellite after passing through the Earth's atmosphere, and a plasma detector, which will assess whether the laser induces any ionization in nearby particles.

Additionally, LASARsat is equipped with corner reflectors that will reflect a portion of the laser beam back to Earth. This will enable ground-based measurements with higher precision, compensating for the limited space available on the CubeSat itself. The satellite's golden exterior and a series of LEDs will also enhance its visibility, aiding in accurate targeting from Earth.

The success of LASARsat would not be possible without the collaboration of key partners, particularly the HiLASE laser center, one of the world's leading laser research facilities. Their expertise and state-of-the-art equipment are crucial for the experiments that will be conducted in orbit.

This project is further supported by the Observatory and Planetarium Prague (PLANETUM), SkyFox LABS, Czech Aerospace Research Centre and the brewery Vorkloster. LASARsat will travel into space accompanied by another member of our satellite family, the first Croatian satellite CroCube. Both of them will fly onboard the SpaceX Falcon 9 and their deployment will be taken care of by the company Exolaunch.

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On the same launch

Last modified: 2024-12-31

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Created by Erik Kulu


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