Knacksat II Spacecraft

Knacksat II
Knacksat II
Knacksat II
Knacksat II
Knacksat II
Knacksat II
Knacksat II
Knacksat II
Name Knacksat II (Knacksat-2 TGPS)
Form factor CubeSat
Units or mass 3U
Status not launched, expected in 2025
Launcher not launched, (ELaNa 52)
Organization King Mongkut's University of Technology
Institution University
Entity Academic / Education
Headquarters Thailand
Manufacturer AIVT by NBSPACE
Partners NB Space, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Thai - German Pre Engineering School, Advanced Wireless Network (AIS), NARIT (National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand), ASEANSAT Satellite Research Group

Monitor the position and speed of Thai trains via satellite, test photography from space, and examine radiation shielding technology.


Monitor the position and speed of Thai trains via satellite, test high-resolution photography from space, and examine radiation shielding technology that impacts electronic systems.

This project generally aims to improve capacity building in Thailand in the space technology field. The main purpose of this project is to develop a nano-satellite with the capability of carrying multi-payloads that can be operated in orbit. This nano-satellite is named KNACKSAT-2, which is the next generation of its predecessor 1U satellite KNACKSAT-1.

KNACKSAT-2 is a 3U satellite and its mission is to carry multiple payloads and verify each payload functionality in the low-earth orbit. Each payload is separately developed to meet different stakeholders’ requirements with the given constraints and consultations of International Institute of Space Technology for Economic Development, organization under KMUTNB. All the payloads are assembled, integrated, and tested by KMUTNB and NBSPACE. KYUTECH and NBSPACE are carrying out all the necessary tests and reviews prior to launch. While the satellite is in orbit, KMUTNB will be operating the satellite and each payload using the ground station in Thailand. The in-orbit verification of this 3U satellite is an important step for Thailand to acquire the multi-payload capability and future ride-sharing platforms.

KNACKSAT-2 education missions Operate on Non-amateur radio frequency: Camera Mission , which will capture images of the Earth from space. Store and Forward IoT Mission, which collects data from specific distributed sensors all around remote locations on Earth, stores them in the CubeSat and forwards it to a designated ground station once it passes over it. Measure Ultraviolet in-orbit, which is to measure ultraviolet in-orbit via a microcontroller.

This mission is a part of outreach program of Thailand Space Consortium. Mission Parts, which is to test space parts and components developed in-house. KNACKSAT-2 amateur radio missions: Automatic Packet Reporting System-Digipeater , which is an amateur radio based, real-time, local and digital communication system which can receive packets, process them and retransmit them back on the same frequency. KMUTNB and the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand is collaborated on this mission as amateur radio payload. The APRS-DP payload will be also use in the next amateur radio satellite developing by RAST.

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COTS subsystems

Last modified: 2024-12-29

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